Boost Affaires, a qualified team!

Whatever the nature of your challenges, the Boost Affaires team is behind you with an extraordinary experience! Boost Affaires has a competent and trained team to undertake demanding mandates with a unique expertise, in diverse fields.

*The video on the right is in French only

Why Boost?

Telephone prospecting takes time, but it is a powerful and indispensable tool in a company’s evolution in the face of competition, market fluctuations, and variations in regional, national, and global economies.

Using Boost Affaires services results in huge savings in both time and money, while increasing energy in your sales force to optimize performance and multiply successes.

When you delegate the prospection of business opportunities to professionals, you:

  • Give your company a professional image
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Provide momentum to your sales activity
  • Accelerate the recognition of business opportunities
  • Position yourself advantageously vis-à-vis the competition
  • Increase your visibility
  • Multiply qualified prospects and business opportunities
  • Maximize sales and minimize effort
  • Support, lift, stimulate, energize, and empower your sales team

Knowing that only 5% of salespeople keep in contact with their clients, your competitors’ clients are your best targets. Transform this information into sales by delegating to professionals to contact them. (See our related services: Client Prospecting, Qualified Appointment Bookings, Telephone Follow-up.)
*Source: Cold Calling for Cowards, Jerry Hocutt

The power of first impressions and an intelligent use of telephone prospecting can win over clients through the use of a dynamic and proactive attitude on cold calls. This establishes a relationship of trust before the sale. (See our related services: Client Prospecting, Qualified Appointment Bookings).
*Source: Cold Calling for Cowards, Jerry Hocutttt (Book)

Companies lose an average of 50% of their clientele every 5 years, for the simple reason that salespeople lose contact with their clients. Telephone prospecting allows you to win back those lost clients. (See our related services: Client Prospecting, Qualified Appointment Bookings).
*Source: “Learning from Customer Defections”, Frederick F Reichheld – Harvard Business Review, March 1996

Following a strong and well-timed sales call, 50% of decision-makers will ask you to tender a contract for an existing or future project. (See our related services: Client Prospecting, Qualified Appointment Bookings, Training and Coaching in Prospecting).
*Source: “Top 10 Biggest Mistakes….”, Marketing Sherpa Research Organization Review, Special Report

It takes from 10 to 12 attempts before potential clients become interested. If the approach is properly followed, prospects will begin buying your products and services in the following year. (See our related services: Client Prospecting, Qualified Appointment Bookings, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Telephone Follow-up).
*Source: The Million-Dollar Finance Advisor, David J. Mullen.

Isabelle Dion,
CEO of Boost Affaires

Isabelle Dion is the sole shareholder and has managed the telephone prospecting business since 2007.

Being a woman of challenges, the word impossible does not exist in her vocabulary. She aspires to reach set goals, and she knows how to surround herself and put in place the tools and the people to get there.

Isabelle has over 25 years of experience in communications and customer service. She learned her trade when she worked for 8 years in a large business group in Quebec. Isabelle had a gift, that of connecting business people and creating relevant links between its members. Building on this positive experience, she has since continued to help local SMEs successfully increase their sales and plans to continue for a long time.

Boost Affaires is
certified by BonBoss.

Nominated for the
29th annual Canadian
women entrepreneur

In March 2021, Isabelle was nominated for the 29th Annual RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur Awards. This nomination proudly recognizes her determination, achievements, courage, and devotion, which are incredibly well represented in her position as a manager at Boost Affaires. Isabelle Dion is without a doubt a promising businesswoman in the province of Quebec.

In September 2021, Isabelle was recognized as the finalist of the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub Micro-Business Award at the 2021 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards. She was the only one to represent service businesses in Canada for the year 2021. The president of Boost Affaires was selected as one of three regional finalists in this category. Isabelle and the other 22 finalists were selected among more than 10,000 candidates in 7 categories. 

The awards ceremony held in November 2021 was a great way to end this journey and bring the year 2021 to an end. A wonderful recognition for Isabelle’s work.

The mission of
Boost Affaires

Offering opportunities to new B2B businesses through a rigorous, human, and authentic telephone approach based on genuine listening.